Typed Objects

The CBOR library contains support for creating type checked and automatically instantiated CBOR decoder classes. This scheme builds on that CBOR messages/documents are prepended by a COTX tag holding a specific object Id. See also CBORTypedObjectDecoder.enableCheckForUnread().

The following example shows how this scheme is to be used.

Sample program:

package cbor_api_demo;

import org.webpki.cbor.CBORInt;
import org.webpki.cbor.CBORMap;
import org.webpki.cbor.CBORObject;
import org.webpki.cbor.CBORString;
import org.webpki.cbor.CBORTag;
import org.webpki.cbor.CBORTypedObjectDecoder;
import org.webpki.cbor.CBORTypedObjectDecoderCache;

public class TypedObjectsDemo {
    // Typed object decoder one.
    public static class ObjectOne extends CBORTypedObjectDecoder {

        int number;
        static final String OBJECT_ID   = "https://example.com/object-one";
        static final CBORObject INT_KEY = new CBORInt(1);
        protected void decode(CBORObject cborBody) {
            number = cborBody.getMap().get(INT_KEY).getInt();

        public String getObjectId() {
            return OBJECT_ID;
    // Typed object decoder two.
    public static class ObjectTwo extends CBORTypedObjectDecoder {
        static final String OBJECT_ID = "https://example.com/object-two";
        String justAString;

        protected void decode(CBORObject cborBody) {
            justAString = cborBody.getString();

        public String getObjectId() {
            return OBJECT_ID;
    // Register the object decoders.
    static final CBORTypedObjectDecoderCache decoderCache = new CBORTypedObjectDecoderCache()

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create typed CBOR messages.
        byte[] objectOne = new CBORTag(ObjectOne.OBJECT_ID,
                new CBORMap().set(ObjectOne.INT_KEY, new CBORInt(-343)))
        byte[] objectTwo = new CBORTag(ObjectTwo.OBJECT_ID, 
                new CBORString("Hi there!"))
        // Decode and instantiate.
        CBORTypedObjectDecoder decodedObject = decoderCache.decode(
        // Dispatch to the proper handler for the associated decoder.
        switch (decodedObject.getObjectId()) {
            case ObjectOne.OBJECT_ID:
                System.out.println("Number=" + ((ObjectOne)decodedObject).number);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected");

Typed objectOne in diagnostic notation:

1010(["https://example.com/object-one", {
  1: -343