Class ISODateTime


public class ISODateTime extends Object
Encodes/decodes ISO dateTime objects.

Always: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
Optionally: a '.' followed by 1-9 digits holding fractions of a second
Finally: 'Z' for UTC or an UTC time-zone difference expressed as ±hh:mm.

Sample values:
ISO dateTimeDescription
2022-12-24T05:45:23-08:00Local dateTime without sub-seconds.
2022-12-24T13:45:23ZThe same dateTime as the previous, expressed as UTC.
2022-12-24T05:45:23.856-08:00Local dateTime with sub-seconds.
2022-12-24T13:45:23.856ZThe same dateTime as the previous, expressed as UTC.