
Adapting an Open Banking API Implementation

The following sections describe the recommended upgrade scheme. Note: no changes to the Open Banking API itself is needed.

1. Create a Locally Trusted PKI

Since arbitrary TTP services MUST NOT be able using the new mode, specific locally trusted certificates for TLS client-certificate authentication and signatures MUST be deployed and recognized by the Open Banking API implementation.

Note: selected TTPs may also use this mode of operation, although it would require a specific agreement between the TTP and the bank.

2. Update OAuth2 “authorize” Method

In the new mode (as recognized by #1) OAuth2 authorization normally only happens during enrollment of virtual payment cards. To enable frictionless access_token upgrades, virtual payment cards are not minted with built-in access token information but rather hold card identifiers (like serial numbers), which in turn are linked to a database table holding the currently valid access_token for each specific user. This linking requires a user identity token to function. Such tokens MUST adhere to the follwing rules:

The recommended way is supplying the identity token as a part of the OAuth2 authorization response using an extension property called identity_token:

  "access_token": "619763e4-cf77-4d2f-838e-1f6c6b634040",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "da1bdd53-bed9-4cb7-9c62-0bbe0356d90b",
  "scope": "xyz",
  "identity_token": "479262777"

The identity_token is also needed for virtual payment card administation and logging.

Although strictly put not necessary, personalization of the visual part of virtual payment cards would benefit by also getting the user’s human name in the authorization response. If supplied it MUST be a string of UTF-8 characters supplied in the extension property human_name.

3. Suppress SCA Requests

Since a suitable “Wallet” scheme performs SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) in a similar way to the EMV standard, the Open Banking API MUST NOT ask the user for additional authentications.

Note: if there is a need for additional user interactions, they MUST be delegated to the associated payment service.

4. Make refresh_token Life-time Unlimited

In the new mode, refresh_token may be renewed as usual but they MUST NOT expire.

Although “consent” requests must still be verified for technical correctness, they MUST be granted by default since account data is never to be shared with external entities (a locally installed and trusted “Wallet” service is effectively like an extension to the on-line bank).

Note: skipping consent requests is though not an option since that would break Open Banking APIs.

6. Optional: Reuse the On-line Bank Login

In a fully integrated solution the virtual payment card enrollment service would preferably reuse the regular on-line bank login. That is, the service would simply appear as an additional choice in the on-line bank.  



Version 0.31, 2020-04-21